Through integrated SEO and Link Building strategies, we are able to optimize your website by improving the ranking on search engines
The search engines represent the most important tool of marketing inan online communication project and recent analysis of the sector confirm that the 92% of users are looking for products and services exclusively through the use of search engines.
When the user shows an interest or purchase/search intent (identifies his search query), is very important that the company website has his visibility in the first results of the research and provide the most appropriate answer. This is the reason why , today, the search engines represent one of the most profitable marketing tools to the company: because they help the companies to meet specific needs requested by the consumers.
The optimization on search engines allows your website to:
• Increase the targeted traffic
• Improve the availability /usability of the information contained
• Stand out on the competition and market competitors
• Fix technical programming errors of the CSM used
• Preserve the steady traffic even if you modify the website ( structure or contents)
• Approach new markets at low costs
Our Agency in Rome and Milan offers to the customers a SEO service (Search Engine Optimization) personalized, according to the peculiarity and needs expressed, type of website on which to operate and its structure, with the shared intent to achieve optimal performance and visibility targets.
Our technical areas of intervention include:
• Analysis of the starting situation of the website and definition of the personalized strategy
• Optimization of the website structure
• Optimization of the existing contents
• Training and measures on-site
• Development of new contents
• Localization of the contents in the languages defined by the project
• Development of Link Popularity through off-site activity
• Final reporting to highlight the increase of the organic traffic and placement